Announcing Spiritual Psychotherapy
a Cutting Edge Training Program
for Psychotherapists taught by Paul Ferrini
Note: The next Training begins August 16, 2025. Please submit your application for admission by June 15, 2025.
Click here to see the Schedule with all dates
Spiritual Psychotherapy is a holistic approach to Psychological Healing and Integration. It addresses our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs and those of our clients.
Unlike most therapies, Spiritual Psychotherapy begins and ends with our connection to our Source or Essence. It is through our connection with this Source that we experience love and rediscover our original innocence. Our connection to love heals on all levels. It restores balance and well-being in the psyche.
It is the disruption in our connection to the Source of Love and our desire to please others to gain acceptance and approval that results in division in the psyche and initiates our patterns of self-betrayal.
All mechanisms of self-betrayal involve a search for love outside ourselves. The search is doomed to fail because many of the people we look to for love and approval, including most parents and authority figures, can offer us
only conditional love. Their capacity to love and accept us is in direct proportion to their capacity to love and accept themselves.
After many disappointments, including traumatic and abusive experiences, we may reach the conclusion that we are unlovable. We may feel there is no place for us in this world. Self-destructive behavior or actions hurtful to others may ensue. The bottom line is that we experience pain and disconnection from others and from ourselves and we don't know how to move through it.
For most people, healing cannot happen until they understand their patterns of self-betrayal and take responsibility for the life they have created. They must make the choice to give up shaming and blaming themselves and others and look for the Source of Love within.
This is not an easy thing to do alone. That's why many people turn to psychotherapists, counselors and healers to get help. Unfortunately, the ability of others to help them heal depends on the amount of healing the practitioner him or herself has done. If the therapist is not connected to the Source of Love within, s/he will not be able to help the client make the healing journey.
Therapists who are not trained in recognizing the blocks to love in their own hearts have little to offer others. If they have not healed their childhood wounds, false beliefs and reactive behavior patterns, how can they help others do this?
The Spiritual Psychotherapy Training Program
The Spiritual Psychotherapy Training Program is based on the work of Paul Ferrini, author of over 50 books on love, healing and forgiveness, including his best seller Love Without Conditions. Paul’s Healing Your Life Workshops have helped thousands of people open their hearts to love, heal their wounds, and step into their power and purpose.
Recognizing the tremendous need for self-aware, compassionate therapists who have done their own healing work, Paul Ferrini developed the Spiritual Therapist Training Program. Initially, the program was limited to psychotherapists licensed in their state or country . but based on the response of potential participants, Paul decided to drop this requirement. A number of people attracted to the training have rich and varied backgrounds working with people and it was clear that they could both contribute to and benefit from our program. So if you are one of these people, you are encourage to apply.
However, we want to be clear with everyone that this training program will not enable you to obtain a license to practice in your state or country. If you wish to be licensed to practice as a psychotherapist you must meet the academic and internship requirements of the licensing authority in your state or country.
If you are not licensed, this program might still be helpful to you
if you are already in an academic or internship program but not yet licensed, or you if plan to pursue academic training in the future.
if you are currently providing counseling or support services as a life coach, pastoral or school counselor, hospice worker, etc.
Once you apply and share your experience with Paul, he will have a better idea if your background and personal/career goals are congruent with the kind of spiritual teaching and practice we can offer you.
Timeframe and Cost
This is an eleven month training program that meets one weekend per month with a bi-weekly check in session. To keep costs down and minimize travel requirements, classes and groups are virtual, culminating in a 3 day in person retreat with Paul Ferrini.
The cost of the program is $300 per month for 11 months, or $3300.. This includes the cost of tuition for the 3 day in-person retreat with Paul Ferrini, but it does not include the cost of travel/lodging for the retreat.
In total, over 60 hours of classes and groups are provided. In addition, participants are asked to spend at least 4 hours of homework preparation, including spiritual practices, per week.
We have designed the program to meet the needs of working therapists without putting a substantial burden on their time and energy. We have also kept the cost as low as possible, while ensuring plenty of support for participants.
Getting Started — Apply to the Training Program
If what we have shared so far speaks to your heart, we encourage you to apply for admission into the program. You can access the application below. and pay the $50 application fee. If you are accepted into the Program, we will ask you to make a $300 payment to hold your place. This payment will be credited toward your tuition payment.
Click here to get the application form. Click here to pay the $50 Application fee. Click here to see the full training schedule.
If there is a training that has already started and you do not want to wait several months for a new training to begin, you can begin working with the training materials on your own. We have created a bundle of the six online classes participants must do as homework during the training. You can read more about these classes and find links to purchase them at a discounted price by clicking here.
Content of the Training over Eleven Weekend Sessions
Session 1: Introductory Session
Session 2: Moving from the Head to the Heart/ The Core Self Meditation, Understanding and Working with the Affinity Process, Working with the Key Spiritual Practice One
Session 3: Eight Spiritual Practices that will Transform your Life, Working with the Key Spiritual Practices Two, Three and Four
Session 4: Eight Spiritual Practices that will Transform your Life, Working with the Key Spiritual Practice Five, Six, Seven and Eight
Session 5: Phase One: Healing Your Life Roadmap to Healing
Step One: Come out of Denial
Step Two: See Your Shadow
Step Three: Connect with Your Core Self
Step Four: Own Your Judgments
Session 6: Phase Two: Healing Your Life Roadmap to Healing
Step Five: Heal Your Core Wound
Step Six: End the Cycle of Abuse
Session 7: Phase Two: Healing Your Life Roadmap to Healing
Step Seven: End Your Self Betrayal
Step Eight: Surrender the False Self
Session 8: Phase Three: Healing Your Life Roadmap to Healing
Step Nine: Express Your Talents and Gifts
Step Ten: Create Empowered, Equal Relationships
Step Eleven: Follow Your Heart
Step Twelve: Serve and Empower others
Session 9: Having the Time of Your Life:
Understanding and Working with Transformational Cycles
Session 10: Journey from Fear to Love
31- Day Practice: Cultivating Spiritual Qualities
Sessions 11: Three Day Retreat with Paul Ferrini
Integrating Spiritual Concepts and Practices
into Your Psychotherapy Practice: